Poate imbatranesc.
Cand timpul imi fura toate ideile bune.
Inca o data curajul mi-l ascund
in buzunarul prafuit al unei haine uitate printre rafturi.
Focul zilelor ma oboseste
si simt cum ma pierd prin multimea de umbre colorate,
fara sa vreau altceva.
Caut o gaura neagra in care sa-mi arunc toate relele
sau o iarna geroasa in care sa le-nghet.
aproape liniste.
si tot ascult.
si ce-as mai asculta. acelasi cantec.
un singur cantec.
o noua dependenta.
the national and st. vincent - sleep all summer
... Curtains fall, fashions fade, an endless summer over
Another tide to launch an autumn moon over the dunes
There must be a better way to pull a whole apart
To keep a world from caving in
Another way to while away from you, frozen and blue
Close your weary eyes until the wintertime
But everytime we turn away it surges like a tidal wave
I would change but, babe, that doesn't mean I'm gonna be a better man
Give the ocean what I took from you so one day you could find it in the sand
And hold it in your hands again
Cold ways kill cool lovers
Strange way we love to suffer
Why won't you fall back in love with me?
There ain't no way we're gonna find another
The way we sleep all summer
Why won't you fall back in love with me? ....
si tot ascult.
si ce-as mai asculta. acelasi cantec.
un singur cantec.
o noua dependenta.
the national and st. vincent - sleep all summer
... Curtains fall, fashions fade, an endless summer over
Another tide to launch an autumn moon over the dunes
There must be a better way to pull a whole apart
To keep a world from caving in
Another way to while away from you, frozen and blue
Close your weary eyes until the wintertime
But everytime we turn away it surges like a tidal wave
I would change but, babe, that doesn't mean I'm gonna be a better man
Give the ocean what I took from you so one day you could find it in the sand
And hold it in your hands again
Cold ways kill cool lovers
Strange way we love to suffer
Why won't you fall back in love with me?
There ain't no way we're gonna find another
The way we sleep all summer
Why won't you fall back in love with me? ....
timpul are prostul obicei de a fi ireversibil
Totul se schimba si parca nu se schimba nimic in ultima vreme. Unii oameni nu stau in lumina soarelui ca tine, unii oameni nu stiu sa adoarma zambind si nu pot fi niciodata acolo in momentele in care lenevesti in iarba, in zilele de liniste in care auzi marea de la kilometrii distanta, in serile in care muzica te invaluie in visare. Unii oameni se multumesc sa priveasca la soare fara sa vada vreodata culorile sale, sa treaca printr-o padure de brad fara macar sa observe verdele ei.
Am atatea dorinte. Fiecare de o alta culoare, fiecare spre un alt orizont. Si impreuna sunt, parca, fara sens. Si tot caut o reteta, un amestec fermecat in care sa le adun pe toate, o licoare pe care sa o beau in cate-o seara; sa pot privi dimineata harta care-mi arata drumul atunci cand nu mai stiu unde sunt.
Am atatea dorinte. Fiecare de o alta culoare, fiecare spre un alt orizont. Si impreuna sunt, parca, fara sens. Si tot caut o reteta, un amestec fermecat in care sa le adun pe toate, o licoare pe care sa o beau in cate-o seara; sa pot privi dimineata harta care-mi arata drumul atunci cand nu mai stiu unde sunt.
cred in oameni, uneori si in cuvintele lor!
Pentru ca increderea adevarata nu se castiga ci se ofera, am hotarat sa incep sa cred in oameni.. Fara prea multe vorbe, impresii, pareri anterioare.. si astazi castig din asta toata energia mea buna, toata pofta de viata pe care o dezvolt si o multime de momente pretioase, adica fericite.
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